Labels:bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: And I like to think my programming objective is just as simple. intend to prov vide prodcts that help you reduce the compl lexity of using computer while increasing your power and leverage Acknow led gments Yes, it's way past my bed time (again) and there much too much to do before can puOptiMem RAM Charger to bed. but I've just got to say something here to all of my good friends who have so freely given their support in this can begin to mention everyone who has helped so please forgive the abbreviation: Sera was always willing to help out "Pops, and her creative aproach to new situations continues tc be an in- spiration. Lucille. Cindy, and Brian made all the documentation much better than it was before their efforts. Todd came up with the right name just in time Jim gave his talent and ...